Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bedtime Story

We're never to old for a bedtime story! My love of History and fascination with "France's most iconic queen", are embedded in this remarkable story, Marie Antoinette; The Journey. This renowned piece of literature allows me to indulge in the royal decadence that was very well known at Versailles along with an intimate portrait of one the worlds most misunderstood queens. This piece of work shall continue to be my nightly ritual. Sweet Dreams!
xoxo, Lizzette

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Candy at Versailles

These pretties truly embody the sweetness and elegance of Versailles. They are inspired by a girly vintage vibe that I wish to call "Candy at Versailles".

Marie's whimsical fairytale is embodied by frilly ribbon and snazzy little pearls. BEAUTIFUL!

A lil' piece of cake; don't you just want to take a lil' bite out of her. I thought this was the perfect name for this lil' beauty because it indeed resembles a piece of cake with it's frothy~like layered ribbons and candy colored pearls. :)

On a casual day, I fell in love with vintage and the shabby chic phenomenon. I poured my little soul into this Victorian concoction; a whimsy~like fairytale.

Her Royal Highness. This is a personal favorite! A girly girl candy treat. As sweet as
Ladurée's macaroons if not SWEETER! :) She's a dish, a dish I may just hold onto.

Last but not least, a classic cameo. Simply breathtaking! Understated; but never underestimated.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Forgotten Treasures

I'd like to share a few of my treasured vintage possessions. Most would cringe at the thought of old, shattered, stained, or chipped dolls, but I on the other hand jump up for joy when I stumble across these beauties. Above is my ULTIMATE FAVORITE, a Marie Antoinette a la mode.

This beautiful head vase was found on a shopping road trip and I just couldn't seem to part with her. The little beauty next to her was a flea market find; she too is stunning.

This is a peek at my local doll collection. I say local because most of my dolly peeps are in storage momentarily awaiting for their masters' return. :)

You must believe that If I ever come across a Marie Antoinette inspired doll, she's found an owner. :))
Lastly, this sweet bit of sugar was a MUST HAVE for me! My favorite aunt owns a doll with the similar ceramic head that I've always admired, so when I saw this pink lovely, I knew instantly that she had found a home.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Frothy Frilly & Whimsy Whispers

As I sit in my lil' corner of bliss, surrounded by enormous sugary unfinished items, she stares at me with her effervescent stare and softly whispers that she wishes to become ornate. I shall comply with the Queen's request.
xoxo, Lizzette

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Decadent Treats fit for a Queen

We all know Marie's love for lavish sweets. The following creations are my takes on sugary treats overflowing with Marie's spirit.
I personally love this one! It's SUPER SWEET!
Pretty Pastels; enough said.
These macaroons look simply DIVINE!!!
A modern take on the classic cameo.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ode to my Sweet Marie

I'd love to share a few whimsical creations that were fueled by Madame Royale herself; tantalizing heirlooms as I like to call them. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Those who truly know me know that I have a profound love for Marie Antoinette and her lavish obsession for sweets. She has fueled a creative inspiration in me in many aspects of life but most recently, my love for sugary whimsical creations that many of you have come to know as Sweet Love. I am greatly thankful and appreciative of your continued support and encouragement. Sweet Love is now officially Sweet Heiress; I could not have imagined a more befitting name for both my love of Marie and my candy gems. Thank you my sweet loves, "VIVE LA REINE & LET THEM EAT CAKE!"
xoxo, Lizzette